Thursday 25 March 2010

What cases do you want to be doing more of?

This is a blog post about getting more patients to your practice so you can treat them with the high quality dentistry you know you can provide. Would you like more of the right patients to your practice? Indeed would you like some one else to find those patients for you so you can continue to be the very best dentist?

At the end of this post I will make a commitment to spend money helping you find those patients.

In a moment I will tell you about the money I will spend on your practice, but before I do that you need to know that I've just had one of those profound light bulb moments. This light bulb moment started yesterday when I jointly facilitated (with Azimuth Dental dental business coach) a business/marketing development day for 12 dentists.

The dentists brought to the meeting their biggest dental business problems facing them today. As a facilitator I spent the day entirely in the mind of the delegates whilst we worked through these problems. I had NO agenda, NO presentation and NOTHING prepared other than a very carefully thought through structure for the day. You know that all successful businesses have a structure, indeed all successful humans have a structure - when you prep a tooth for a PFM you work to a structure because structure gets results... the result of our structured day?... 12 VERY happy dentists with REAL results that THEY generated.

Whilst online this afternoon I came across this blog post on Twitter (very much worth a read) about creating a remarkable business that truly reflects what the customer wants, and the light bulb glowed brightly.

I've been stupid.

I've been dumb.

I've spent thousands marketing to get new dentists to send their cases to the lab and I haven't once stoppped to REALLY get inside their heads and ask "what do you want?"

I've told you that we do implants, I've told you that we do cosmetic cases, I've even told you we do anti-snoring devices and that I will send patients to your practice.

So here's what's new, I'm not going to tell you what we do, I'm going to ask what you want...

so here's that question...

what type of restorative cases would you ideally like to be doing more of?

some suggestions might be...

  • regular dentures
  • flexible dentures
  • implant supported dentures
  • veneers
  • crowns
  • single implants
  • large implant cases
  • inlays
  • gum shields
  • occlusal splints
  • anti-snoring appliances
  • full mouth reconstructions
  • other

And here's my financial commitment to you now...

If you reply to me with what you want to be doing more of, I will allocate a major share of my marketing budget for 2010 to attracting those patients and putting them in touch with YOU

I will take a consensus of opinion from all responses I get to decide on which treatments I will promote. I'll attract these patients by using a structured approach, which gets results, using a variety of techniques including Twitter, Facebook, websites and more. I'll then put these patients in touch with the dentist closest to them.

So to start getting these patients sent to you, you need to tell me what you want to be doing more of (the only caveat is that it is lab related... for obvious reasons!), to do this you can:

  1. Twitter DM me: @markoborn
  2. Facebook message me:
  3. call me: 01707 663293
  4. comment on this blog post

At the end of April 2010 I will collate all responses and put together a structured marketing package that will start to put relevent patients in contact with you, thereby building your practice with cases that you want to do, building our lab with happy dentists and ultimately providing patients with the service they desire and quality dentistry they can be proud of... truly a win, win, win situation.

So reply now while its fresh, what cases do YOU want to be doing more of?

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Get updates of patients looking for a dentist...

You may be aware that we are currently running a series of adverts on Facebook, Google and Bing telling patients about the SBO Silensor Anti Snoring device. We are collating the patient details in to a geographical database of locations around the UK.

Currently we have 100 fans on our 'Stop Snoring Tonight' Facebook page and have 24 new patients looking for a dentist on our database... all this in only 3 weeks!

We would love to be able to provide your details to these patients, who have visited the patient anti-snoring page on our website and then to encourage these patients to come to you for their device, they are pre-educated and ready to go for the anti snoring device.

To be kept up to date with this rapidly growing database of new patients the easiest way is to
Subscribe to SBO Silensor Anti-Snoring Appliance Database by Email

Your details are totally secure and will not be used for any other purpose. Updates of patients will also be limited to once per week.

This is an innovative scheme from the UK's most proactive dental laboratory... watch out for more coming soon...

any questions please don't hesitate to call 01707 663293,



P.S. For a list of towns where patients are looking for a dentist to provide an SBO Silensor Anti Snoring Appliance please
Subscribe to SBO Silensor Anti-Snoring Appliance Database by Email

Friday 5 March 2010

We have patients looking for a dentist, would you like them to contact you?

About 2 weeks ago we launched a campaign aimed at helping people with their snoring (or indeed their partner's snoring), I know there are many causes of snoring and indeed many solutions, but as a laboratory we manufacture the highly successful Silensor Anti Snoring device.

We promote this device as one solution to snoring directly to patients and in 2 weeks have had 55 people join our Facebook group and 16 people contact us directly with specific requests for a dentist that is able to see them to help with their snoring - now of course we place these patients with our existing clients, but we are now also looking for more dentists around the UK to see these patients and help with their snoring.

So, do you have a practice in one of these areas?

If you do, would you like your details passed on to these patients?

We desperately need dentists in:

Beverley, East Yorkshire

Please call me at the laboratory 01707 663293 to discuss how we can get these patients in to your practice to solve their snoring problems.

Speak soon,


Wednesday 3 March 2010

Get your Bite Blocks functional

If a case comes in to the lab of interest I blog about it... and this is one that has come in to us this morning.

An edentulous patient that we are making a F/F for needs some bite blocks, we made them, they were used by the dentist and returned to us for articulating the models...

The dentist marked the centre line (so many times we don't get this) and the canine line (wow, very rarely do we get this, so this is great)...

.. but in this case the dentist didn't lock the bites together, so we have no way of getting the bite right...
...the result? Another appointment for the patient, lost confidence with the patient and lost revenue through missed surgery time... oh, and extra cost for us as we have had to courier the case back!

So, please make sure that any bite blocks you take lock together clearly outside of the patients mouth. A simple thing to do, but costly if not done.

Bye for now...