Thursday 17 December 2009

Over the past few months I have recorded a few video articles on Dental Marketing for Apex (click here to watch) , they have passed the following information on to me, so I thought I would share it with you also as it will almost certainly have enormous value for any dental practioner.



Apex invites you to join Dr Marc Cooper for an evening on mastering the business of dental practice Dr Marc Cooper, US dental business consultant for 25 years, will be presenting a series of evening talks in January in three different locations across the UK to dentists who want to achieve mastery in their dental practices.

Most dentists achieve ‘mastery’ in their clinical delivery of dentistry. At this level, they handle problems, breakdowns and issues with grace and ease. At this level of mastery they accurately forecast the future. As clinical masters they direct themselves, their patients, and their staff to produce quality clinical results. However, this level of mastery rarely translates into a comparable mastery of the business side of dental practice.

The 'Mastering the Business of Practice' evening event is designed to introduce British dentists to the concepts and technologies Dr Cooper has used with more than 2000 dentists over the last 25 years.

January 19, 2010
Venue: ULC Eastman Dental Institute (CDP) 123 Gray's Inn Rd ‐ London ‐ WC1X 8WD

January 20, 2010
Venue: Academy of Clinical Excellence Wakefield ‐ WF2 7BJ

January 21, 2010
Venue: The Health Centre 55‐60 Conventry Rd. Coleshill ‐ Birmingham B46 3EE

FEE: £60

TIME: 7:00 to 10:00 PM

Attendance is limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. For more information and to register, please visit

Friday 11 December 2009

an SBO Christmas message...

That time of year is rapidly approaching again... you know, that time of year when you eat too much, drink too much and do everything else that can have 'too much' put after it!!

Well this year we at SBO hope that what you don't get 'too much' of is rest and recuperation ready for 2010.

2009 has been a topsy turvy year for us, we have reduced in size and relocated to our shiny new premises in Potters Bar... so we've had it with change for now... nothing so big and drastic is planned for 2010.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting us throughout this year, we'd like to extend 2 special thank yous...
  1. Thank you to all the new clients that have started to work with us in 2009 - all 23 of you have been an absolute joy to meet and discover how we can work together to improve the lives of your patients
  2. Thank you to the 53 other loyal dentists that have supported us over the years and who have continued to work with us during 2009 - as ever it has also been a joy to continue to work with you all
Christmas closing times
We are going to be taking a well earned break this year, so the lab will be closed from 24th December and re-open fresh and ready to go on 4th January 2010.

Let's hope 2010 is as fun packed, eventful and enjoyable as 2009 has been... please extend a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year to EVERYONE in your practice,

from all at SBO... Neil, Eldi, Keith and Mark