Monday 26 April 2010

Save money on implant abutments & get a better product, find out how...

I’d like to personally invite you to an

Astra Atlantis Cost Effective Implant Abutment Experience

This is a perfect opportunity to find out how you can easily have:
1.     Cheaper Implant Abutments to increase profit margins
2.     More Bio Compatible Implant Abutments to provide a better product

Astra Atlantis is a revolutionary leap in technology that allows us to design implant abutments with extreme precision, to match soft tissue contours, in 3 materials - Zirconia, Titanium, Titanium/Gold Hue.

Astra Atlantis also have a unique 'Gemini' abutment system which is 2 abutments - 1 for highly accurate soft tissue contouring during temporisation, and another exact replica that is used for final restoration production. This technique saves time and creates a far better aesthetic result.

The evening will include 2 brief presentations, 1 from Keith Shrubb (Implant Director at SBO) and Christian Flynn from Astra. Plus an extended time to truly experience the full advantages of the system and answer your questions.

Date of the Astra Atlantis Experience: 13th May 2010
Start time: 1830
Venue: SBO Dental Laboratory
Cost: £0

If you restore implants, want to save money AND want a better product then you need to book to come on this Astra Atlantis Experience to find out how to make the most of this amazing system in your practice.

Places are limited as we have a small friendly lab, so please book early to avoid missing out. Simply reply to this emai/blog with your practice details and I will add you to our list:

Phone number:
Number of place to book:

Alternatively call Mark on 01707 663293 or print and fax this to 01707 662092

I really look forward to seeing you,