Wednesday 15 July 2009

Should you break the contact points on veneer preparations?

As the demand for minimally invasive dentistry increases and as the demand for great looking teeth increases at a steady rate also, a question we are often asked at the lab is "Should I break the contact points with these preps?"

The answer is YES.
  1. When we are trying to realign teeth and need to move mesial or distal line angles
  2. When there is a mesial or distal composite filling and the finish line is likely to be in composite
  3. When teeth are very crowded and we are unable to get a reasonable thickness to the veneer of around 0.4mm
  4. When the veneers are covering vey dark teeth and there is a risk of show through from underneath

The answer is NO.
  1. No need to do it routinely
  2. When small adjutments to shape are required
  3. When no adjustment to shape is required and the veneers are for mild-moderate colour purposes
  4. On spaced teeth
The simplest way to ascertain this is to do a diagnostic wax up and have the laboratory do an 'ideal preparation' model - this should take in to account the existing teeth position and the ideal position (from the waxups). This prep model should be a 'how to ge there' kind of model, with realistic proposals for preps.

So what do you think?

When would YOU break the contact points?

Speak soon,


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